• “On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric", Séminaire Géométrie et Topologie, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche,  April 2024
  • “On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric", Séminaire GT3, Institut de recherche mathématique avancée, Strasbourg,  April 2024
  • “On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric", Séminaire de géométrie analytique, Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, April 2024
  • “On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric", Séminaire Analyse et Géométrie, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, February 2024
  • “Twisted Ruelle zeta function on locally symmetric spaces, the Fried’s conjecture and further applications", 1st Greek Number Theory Meeting, 21-22th December, 2023, Athens, Greece
  • “Twisted Ruelle zeta function on locally symmetric spaces, the Fried’s conjecture and further applications", November 13, 2023, Analysis Seminar SAMPS, Athens, Greece
  • "On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric'', Global invariants of arithmetic varieties, 9 – 13 October, 2023, CIRM, Luminy
  • “Twisted Ruelle zeta function on locally symmetric spaces, the Fried’s conjecture and further applications",

    19.06.2023, Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 
  • "Resonances and residue operators for pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic spaces",  17 March 2023, Séminaire Géométrie, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
  • "On the spectrum of twisted Laplacians and the Teichmüller representation", Séminaire Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique, 14 March 2023, Université Paris-Saclay
  • "Twisted Ruelle zeta function on locally symmetric spaces, the Fried’s conjecture", Spectral geometry in the clouds, October 2022, youtube
  • "Twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Fried’ s conjecture for unit tangent bundles of surfaces", Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Geometric Analysis, zoom talk, November 2021, video
  • "Fried ’s conjecture and dynamical zeta functions of Selberg and Ruelle on locally symmetric spaces", Greek mathematical seminar, zoom talk, October 2021
  • "This is what I do...", AIM Research Community, Representation Theory & Noncommutative Geometry, zoom talk, October 2021
  • "Twisted dynamical zeta functions and the Fried conjecture", Séminaire de Mathématique, IHES, January 2021
  • “A prime geodesic theorem for SL3(Z)",  ERLASS seminar, Egham-Reading-London Arithmetic Statistics Seminar, zoom talk, December 2020 
  • “Non-commutative harmonic analysis, spectral theory of automorphic forms and applications", Kolloquium Graduiertenkolleg 2491, Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,  zoom talk, December 2020
  • “Non-commutative harmonic analysis, spectral theory of automorphic forms and applications", N^3-days XIII, Nordic Number theory Network, zoom-conference, November 2020
  • “Non-commutative harmonic analysis, spectral theory of automorphic forms and applications ", Séminaire Théorie des Nombres, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, zoom talk, November 2020
  • Dynamical zeta functions, Fried's conjecure and refined analytic torsion, Forum of Young Mathematicians, October 23rd to 25th 2019, Institut Henri Poincaré
  • Dynamical zeta functions, trace formulae and applications, Séminaire Analyse Harmonique,  Département de Mathématiques d’Orsay, May 2019